Shareware Grab Bag
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Assembly Source File
90 lines
;use up memory by allocating and staying resident
;for memory size testing of various programs
;call as EATMEM kBytesToEat
;written 8/7/85 K. Kokkonen, TurboPower Software, 408-378-3672
eat proc far
;parse command line to get amount of memory to eat
mov si,81H ;point to command line string
mov di,offset(amount$) ;and to string storage area
xor cx,cx ;count chars in cx
getst lodsb ;get first non-blank
cmpb al,' '
je getst
cmpb al,13 ;check for end of input
jne more
mov dx,offset(noinp$) ;no parameter specified ==>error
jmps error
more inc cx
stosb ;store the non-blank character
lodsb ;get next char into al
cmpb al,' ' ;terminate with <space> or <cr>
je done
cmpb al,13
je done
jmps more
;convert amount$ to an integer in amount
;cx holds count of chars
;first put a terminator on amount
done mov al,36
stosb ;put string terminator on amount$
mov si,offset(amount$)
mov di,10
inc cx
nextc dec cx
jcxz eatit ;exit if all digits used
mov ax,amount ;partial result into ax
mul ax,di ;multiply by 10 (should all fit in ax)
mov amount,ax ;store ax
lodsb ;next char into al
cmp al,30H ;make sure it's a digit
jb baddig
cmp al,39H
ja baddig
and al,0FH ;convert to digit
xor ah,ah
add amount,ax ;add to amount
jmps nextc
;calculate the paragraphs to eat up
eatit mov dx,amount
cmp dx,512
ja baddig ;don't eat more than 512k
push dx
;show a success message
mov dx,offset(succ1$)
mov ah,9
int 21H
mov dx,offset(succ2$)
mov ah,9
int 21H
;eat up the memory (must reboot to free)
pop dx
mov cl,6
shl dx,cl ;convert kB to paras
mov ax,3100H ;return code 0
int 21H ;exit and remain resident
baddig mov dx,offset(baddig$)
error mov ah,9
int 21H
int 20H
succ1$ db 13,10,'Eating up '
amount$ db 0,0,0,0 ;string holding amount of kB
succ2$ db ' kBytes of RAM space',13,10,36
amount db 0,0 ;integer holding amount of kb, then paras
noinp$ db 13,10,'No parameter specified. Usage: EATMEM kBtoEat',13,10,36
baddig$ db 13,10,'Bad number of kB specified',13,10,36